A redemptive story set in the 1970's, Gardens of Manzanar tells the story of a recently widowed American prison guard who struggles with his past at the notorious Manzanar Internment Camp. Wracked with guilt, he sets out to make amends for his role in one inmate's incarceration.
▸ Genre: Drama / Sports.
▸ Format: Feature-length film.
▸ Duration: 120 minutes.
▸ Filming Locations: Lone Pine and Los Angeles, California (USA) / Hiroshima (Japan)
▸ Target Audience: Viewers aged 18-65.
▸ Visual Style: Intimate, quiet, Japanese motifs, baseball symbolism, 1970's colour palette, 1940s flashbacks.
▸ Themes: Redemption, sporting backdrop.
▸ Sound Design: Original sound score.
▸ Status: Concept and Pre-Production.
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